Module config

Functions for saving/loading config data

This module is a lua script (config.lua), you need to explicitly load it with require('config')


create (default) Create a new config instance, filename will be determined automagically

Class config Get/Set the data to store to configuration
config:create_from_menu (m) Create a new config instance from a menu structure, filename will be determined automagically
config:load () Load the config data from file (by executing the file)
config:saving () Called right before config data is saved to file, override this function to update your when the config is being saved
config:save () Manually save the config data to file (data is saved automatically when the ML backend does it's config saving, so calling this function is unecessary unless you want to do a manual save).


create (default)
Create a new config instance, filename will be determined automagically


  • default the default data values

Class config
Get/Set the data to store to configuration
  • data
config:create_from_menu (m)
Create a new config instance from a menu structure, filename will be determined automagically


  • m the menu to create a config for
config:load ()
Load the config data from file (by executing the file)
config:saving ()
Called right before config data is saved to file, override this function to update your when the config is being saved
config:save ()
Manually save the config data to file (data is saved automatically when the ML backend does it's config saving, so calling this function is unecessary unless you want to do a manual save). Whatever is in the 'data' field of this instance is saved. Only numbers, strings and tables can be saved (no functions, threads or userdata)
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2016-04-23 15:53:20